Building a Home Proxmox Server

I usually run VMs using Digital Ocean(referall link), but that gets a little expensive once you get more than a few running. There were quite a few services that I wanted to get setup and play around with, but I didn’t want a $100 monthly bill. I’ve been wanting to build a home server for a while but didn’t have a concrete reason to actually pull the trigger. But with my recent projects, like XeOSC and GoAtLight, I wanted to have a proper build server and CI setup so releasing them wouldn’t be a pain in the ass.
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Switching to Hugo

This blog has been hosted using Wordpress, but I’ll have made the switch to Hugo by the time you’re reading this post. I’ve never been the biggest fan of wordpress, but I chose it for it’s flexibility and because I’ve used it before on a number of sites.
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Fun With XeOSC

So I’ve been working on XeOSC a bit recently. I managed to get the scripting engine fairly functional now and you can actually do some pretty cool stuff with it. I’m using gopher-lua for the Lua implementation and that allows the use of Go channels for concurrency, which is great. Go’s concurrency model is a lot easier and more powerful than Lua’s, so it’s really great having access to it.
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What I’ve Been Working On And What’s To Come

It’s been a while since my last update. I’ve made a few commits to the repo, but there’s been quite a bit of work that I haven’t published. I’ll start off with talking about the raspberry pi zero w based cue light I’m working on. RPiLx Discovery via zeroconf/mDNS is now possible for RPiLx. This means you no longer have to find the ip address of the pi via your dhcp server or netmap/whatever.
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Implementing OSC Over TCP and More(GoAtLight Update #2)

After building a couple prototype lights, I thought it would be a good idea to test the reliability of the OSC transmission over Wifi. A quick test program was written that would blink the 3 LEDs on each light at some interval that I could set. Usually this was 50ms or so. It worked fine the majority of the time, but about 1-2% of the time, one of the lights wouldn’t light up, or they’d blink in the wrong order.
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A Case in The Works(GoAtLight Update #1)

As I don’t have the most experience with CAD, I thought to browse around to find some existing Raspberry Pi Zero W cases that I could borrow from. The first couple that I found and printed just didn’t fit, like at all, and they were too small for my needs anyway. I stumbled upon aottesen‘s design that he used for a PiHole setup. And after printing his and having it fit quite well, I took to modifying it.
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OSC Controlled Cue LIght(GoAtLight)

I recently started working on a new project.
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