What I’ve Been Working On And What’s To Come
It’s been a while since my last update. I’ve made a few commits to the https://github.com/showcontroller/go-osc repo, but there’s been quite a bit of work that I haven’t published. I’ll start off with talking about the raspberry pi zero w based cue light I’m working on.
RPiLx Discovery via zeroconf/mDNS is now possible for RPiLx. This means you no longer have to find the ip address of the pi via your dhcp server or netmap/whatever.
Implementing OSC Over TCP and More(GoAtLight Update #2)
After building a couple prototype lights, I thought it would be a good idea to test the reliability of the OSC transmission over Wifi. A quick test program was written that would blink the 3 LEDs on each light at some interval that I could set. Usually this was 50ms or so. It worked fine the majority of the time, but about 1-2% of the time, one of the lights wouldn’t light up, or they’d blink in the wrong order.